Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sex Populi: Why Sex Education Should Be Taught In Schools (A Special Reprint Feature)

Today is World Population Day. As of writing yesterday, July 10, 2009, the World POP Clock of the U.S. Census Bureau tracks the total global population at 6,770,155,030 – and counting. Here is a special 2Rivers reprint feature to show that there’s more to sex than the Big O.

As a private tutor for high school kids, I submit that sex education should be taught in schools. It is a highly intelligent way to discuss the consequences of teen pregnancy and venereal diseases. There are, however, other factors that should come into play.

First: The role of the media. It is actually the major TV networks that are indirectly promoting premarital sex by obligating their young talents to have love affairs with each other. Celebrities are role models, and they should not be seen injecting malice in their working relationships.

Second: The role of the church. The issue of population explosion goes beyond birth control methods. If the church herself highlights the health and economic advantages of having only a few children, then it shows that she cares about her flock, and that she can rise above dogma for the sake of the common good.

Third: The role of the parents. If couples are given free literature about responsible parenthood, they would tend to pay closer attention as compared to seminars. By extension it would also help them teach their children about the dangers of premarital sex, abortion, illegal drugs, alcoholism and excessive cigarette smoking. Their copies will be delivered by their barangay (village) officials.

Fourth: The role of the government. People will act if there's an incentive. If income tax exemptions are given to parents with less than three kids, they themselves will help stop the population boom.

Fifth: Human nature. If you tell kids that sex is bad, they'll promptly go out and do it.The most logical solution is to hep direct their energies into healthier and more productive activities like sports. There are incalculable benefits in having a comprehensive, long-term sports program for the youth. Their future would be more secure if they can look forward to having free college education by being varsity players in various events like martial arts and triathlon. And after graduation, they can become professional athletes representing the country in world competitions. As for funding, a law can passed that will give tax cuts to the private sector when they subsidize government projects.

Photo courtesy of

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