Saturday Stories
August 26, 2017

I see a future where all those who are power are worthy of
it. Perhaps I may not live to see it through my physical eyes, but there also
won't be those who create a culture of impunity with their utter disregard for
due process and the rule of law, who ignite the fires of racism and hatred by
their isolationist and divisive rhetoric, and who are pushing the entire planet
to the brink of a nuclear holocaust.
I see a future where the protection
of Mother Nature is more important than any profit to be gained by exploiting
and eventually destroying her, where people can create their own decent
livelihood by providing service to the public without being blackmailed and
shut down by corrupt government agencies, where people would finally stop
trying to dominate and exterminate their fellowmen in the name of religion.
I affirm a future so beautiful that
words cannot describe it because I understand the laws of the universe. We
attract what we focus on. That is why Mother Teresa never joined any anti-war
protests – but she was there in every peace march in body or in spirit.
A friend once told me that his
father's favorite song is "Ebony and Ivory" by Paul McCartney and
Stevie Wonder. For him, it's just one of those hits from his dad's era, and he
was surprised when I shared with him its true significance: the black ebony and
the white ivory keys in a piano exist together in peace, and they need each
other to they create beautiful and timeless music. Why can't we human beings do
the same?
John Lennon's "Imagine"
has been radically interpreted as a call for anarchy when the message is the
complete opposite: a world where everybody accepts everybody else as brothers
and sisters in the family called Humanity.
This is the same dream that
inspired Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela and the
millions of decent men and women of many generations who continue to dream and
believe in a better world.
It all begins with the individual.
We can learn to let go of the hate that divides us, one thought at a time.
"Let there be peace on earth," as we used to sing in church choir,
and let it begin with me..."
John Lennon
Ebony and Ivory
Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder
Let There Be Peace On Earth
Vince Gill
Photo courtesy of
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