Saturday, September 16, 2017

Somebody Warm Like Me

Saturday Stories
September 16, 2017

A friend is requesting for my latest photo. So, here it is, with me on the far left, although it has nothing to do with the story. Then again, nothing is not connected.


If there is one thing in life I can take pride in, it is that I have never, ever, betrayed anyone's trust. My head is full of other people's deepest secrets, and I shall take them all with my ashes into my beloved sea.

That was what I told a friend earlier this morning as we were talking about life, relationships and the need to be able to confide to someone.

I had some really neat conversations this past week. I like to share some of them here. 


I've been asked how I would react to somebody who is just like me in terms of attitude. I tossed the question back. She said they will clash with because they are both dominant. Then she tossed it again. I sang a little of the song "Somebody Warm Like Me," and my answer is the complete reverse.

I said: I feel that, all my life, I have been searching for a person who is exactly like me. If I have a friend whose character is like a clone of mine, then I'll have someone whom I can trust with my very life, someone who will never betray me or speak ill of me behind my back, someone who will take a bullet for me.


Everything is subjective, I told another friend as we talked about how people perceive their even own lives.

I said: We can only see what through our own filters. We have a set of beliefs at various stages of our lives. These came from our experiences and the different environments we have been in. This is why you can have ten people watching the exact same thing, yet you can have ten different points of view.

A person's perception is uniquely his own, like his fingerprint, voice, mannerisms, metabolism, DNA. Each of us is a unique individual, and there never has been anyone like you, or like me, in all of history.


I was with my partner over the phone last night, as we do every morning, every lunch time and every night, and we were talking about, among the countless topics we've had, the paranormal.

I said I feel myself surrounded by millions and millions of spirits all day everyday, so why I should I be afraid of a ghost or two?


I feel comfortable talking about the so-called supernatural, but I really have to remind myself that most people are not.

About a week ago, I said something about it in passing to another friend as we were talking about a recent funeral. I think it made him see me as "weird."

When a person dies, I told him, he experiences a sense of pure joy that he cannot find words to describe it. His most powerful emotion is the bliss of freedom in being out of his body. He is not even concerned about his mortal remains. He may find it amusing that people are making such a big fuss because he is still there, just vibrating on a different frequency – but still on the same airwaves.

Somebody Warm Like Me
The 5th Dimension

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