Saturday, February 24, 2018

Mystic Confessions

February 24, 2018

I'm happy to be in student-mode again with my three online courses, feeling  grateful that I have (and can handle) these while still showing progress in all other areas of my life.

I seem to be developing my own learning techniques which is uniquely suited to me, and I feel that the way I absorb and assimilate new information is evolving. I myself am suprised, but in good ways.

I take a lot of notes on a good old-fashioned spiral notebook and typewriting papers which I study at home.  

It was in another notebook, on March 2017 at Jollibee with spaghetti and Tuna Pie, that I composed my first poetry collaboration with a fellow poet and kindred spirit. 

I put down on paper, in metered rhyme, some of the things I've learned as a student of metaphysics and lifelong seeker of deeper spirtual awareness. 

Our poetry duet, which my partner titled "Be the Guiding Light," appeared in Atunis, the Albania-based magazine which also featured our second, "Ode To The Moon."

It was published on January 20, 2018.

Be the Guiding Light
By Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo and Jonathan Aquino

👧 Elizabeth:

You and I – we are One, all coming from One Great Source
It was never an accident nor a coincidence that you were born on Earth
You were created for a Definite Purpose, with a mission to help change the world
In a world enveloped by greed for power and hatred,
Be the Light to help illuminate the paths of others even when you’re going through your own darkness.

Different journeys, same direction leading us all to where the Universe originated,
Pilgrims travelling in a swirling wave of vibrations- Love, Light, Peace, and Harmony from within
Souls with a Definite Divine Purpose, embrace your fragility and shine your way for others to see
Be the guiding Light, spreading positive sparkles with every beat of your heart
A Torch Bearer leading troubled souls out of their darkness, leaving traces of Peace behind…

👦 Jonathan:

He explores his new world, seeing wonder everywhere,
he seeks for all the answers, and he finds his own truth;
he learns that his body is of nature,
and he is at one with the sea, the sky and the earth,
yet his inner being is of immeasurable worth

Then a day will come, a day that seems like any other,
when his souls shines through, and he will feel the knowing,
that he is not alone, and that he has never been alone;
he finds love for his fellowmen, as clear as the sun,
he sees the love of his Source, as sure as day follows night,
and that inside him is a flame, for his true nature is light.

See The Full Poem Be the Guiding Light at Atunis

See The Facebook Story of Ode To The Moon

Photo courtesy of

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