Friday, March 29, 2019

The First Spiritual Law of Success

deepak chopra jonathan aquino 7 seven spiritual laws of success

Saturday Stories
March 30, 2019

The First Spiritual Law of Success
By Jonathan Aquino


In the upcoming "Avengers: Endgame," Ant-Man is back so I think they can use the quantum realm to defeat Thanos. The quantum realm is the infinite multidimensional space between sub-atomic particles that defy the laws of physics, similar to where Doctor Strange went in his first mystical out-of-body experience in Tibet. But the good Doctor had turned to dust during the Decimation – or did he? Our heroes can travel in time through the quantum realm to get the Stones first, but it would completely change the timeline.


This is a level of existence that is beyond time and space, where the past, present, future – and all their many parallel versions – are happening simultaneously. Modern science knows this through quantum physics, and ancient esoteric teachings have known it for thousands of years. This realm is nonphysical, but it is where everything that is physical comes from. This is our source because our true nature is pure energy, which we call "spirit" or "soul." The spiritual author Deepak Chopra calls this "the field of pure potentiality." 


And The Law of Pure Potentiality is the first of "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success," according to Chopra. This is about accepting that we are, in essence, pure consciousness – and proving this to ourselves. "When you discover your essential nature and know who you really are," says Chopra, "in that knowing itself is the ability to fulfill any dream you have, because you are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and will be." This is also known as the Law of Unity because we are all connected to this stream of pure potentiality – which flows through everything in the multiverse.


So how do we experience this cosmic oneness? Chopra shows how to tune in to the field of pure potentiality – through silence and non-judgment. Just as there is space between atoms, there is space between thoughts, which he (and Wayne Dyer) calls "the gap." It is this gap between thoughts that we go to when we quiet our mind. But our judgmental thoughts creates a turbulence that "constricts the flow of energy between you and the field of pure potentiality," says Chopra. He cites a prayer from "A Course In Miracles" – "Today I shall judge nothing that occurs." In our moments of silence, we let go of thoughts and emotions until we achieve a stillness that is so profound that it cannot be described, yet so comforting that we'd want to come back to it, over and over, because it feels like home. Chopra also quotes the Scriptures: "Be still, and know that I am God."


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