Saturday, August 10, 2019

Ask And You Shall Receive

Ask And You Shall Receive
By Jonathan Aquino

Saturday Stories
August 10, 2019


I'm inspired by the life of Bo Sanchez, the Catholic lay preacher, entrepreneur and bestselling author, when I read his "8 Secrets of The Truly Rich." But by "rich," he meant it was more than material supply. Wealth has many forms – good health, peace of mind, a sense of purpose, meaningful relationships, success in career, and a sense of connection with God.


Bo was twelve when he had a spiritual awakening. That was when he learned about tithing, the Biblical tradition of giving away ten percent of your earnings. He began with his allowance, where he would tithe ten percent, which was hard for a boy who always wanted ice cream. Now, he gives forty percent of his income, and his goal is to give more. He says, "This is why I'm truly rich: because I'm a giver."


He began to preach when he was thirteen. One of his greatest influences was Saint Francis of Assisi, the 13th century friar and founder of the Franciscan Order, known for his generosity and love for his fellowmen, even lepers. Bo was happy to serve the poor, living with them. He didn't care about money or any material things. Then, one day, he was ministering to a woman who was distraught. It turns out that she couldn't afford to pay her daughter's tuition. Bo was surprised that it was just a small amount, but he didn't have it either.


So he prayed, and that's when he began to realize that he could help more people if he had money. But first, he had to change his beliefs. Now he is rich, and he says that anyone can be. "You can get out of debt, save enough for the future, be very generous to the poor and God’s work," he says. "So who’s stopping you? Here’s the answer: YOU. No one else can stop you. Not your family, not your friends, not the government, not the poverty of the country. And God? He won’t stop you too. Why would He? He invented wealth."

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