Old Man Logan
By Jonathan Aquino
Saturday Stories
October 26, 2019
I think "Logan" is the second greatest superhero movie of all time. There is a scene where Charles Xavier – Professor X – suffered a brain seizure. Since he was the most powerful telepath in the world, everybody around him could die. It seems the professor killed all the X-Men when he had an attack.
Yet in the eight-edition comic series "Wolverine: Old Man Logan" by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven – which inspired the movie – it was Wolverine who killed them while he was under a spell by Mysterio, the same villain in "Spider-Man: Far From Home." This left him emotionally and psychologically damaged.
The supervillains had conquered and divided the United States. Red Skull is now the President, while Magneto, Abomination and Doctor Doom have their own territories. Magneto would later be killed by Kingpin, and Abomination would be defeated by Hulk. The Avengers, except two, are all dead.
Our story begins after all of these. Logan has retired and became a farmer, but he was being harassed by the Hulk Gang, the grandchildren of Bruce Banner and She-Hulk. Then came Hawkeye, but he is now blind. He knows Logan needs money, so he offers him a job to accompany him on a deadly roadtrip.
Photo courtesy of ComicBookRealm
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