Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Rainbow Colors of Life

Saturday Stories
August 19, 2017

One of the countless things I'm grateful for is having an authentic sense of self-worth. The mere fact that I exist, as I learned from my nonphysical teachers Abraham and Bashar, means that I'm inherently worthy in the eyes of Creation.

Having said that, I also accept that I live in a society surrounded by people who are better than I, some because they really are in any given outer aspect, and some because they want to feel they are better than everybody else just so they can feel good about themselves.
I'm perfectly fine with that since I don't feel inferior anyway. What is even more significant is that I don't feel the need to bring other people down to raise myself.

You can spot the insecure a mile away. These are the racists, bullies, gossipers, paranoids, bureaucrats, power-trippers, back-fighters, the self-righteous, the people who spread malice and intrigue. A person who is far from alignment from is true being has an unstable self-esteem and tends to feel defensive, and so he lashes out with the very emotions he wallows in – contempt and hatred.  

When I encounter them, I immediately close them off. If there is one thing I learned from having seen the dark side of human nature, it is that what a person does to others, he will do unto you. In other words, if he talks badly about somebody who is not there, then he is perfectly capable of doing it to you when you're not around.

So, here I am, feeling neither inferior nor superior to my fellowmen, but I also don't insist that we are equal in the physical world either. I have met people who are famous, wealthy, powerful and influential, yet I never felt diminished, not even an iota, in whatever way.

This is why my appreciation for the achievements of my fellowmen is genuine. I'm not a lesser person just because somebody else is more this or more that. To me, people are just different from each other and there's no need to even compare them, and I rejoice at the diversity of this beautiful and multicultural kaleidoscope world.

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