Saturday, January 27, 2018

My Favorite Miriam Santiago Jokes

Saturday Stories
January 27, 2018


A lot of Miriam jokes are coming my way lately, which is nice. I collected and translated those that I like, so that means no insults about physical looks (which are not even remotely funny) and political jokes (which are funny but tragic because some of them got elected).


I forgot your name – can I just call you mine?


You can sell your house – because you now live in my heart. 


Can you recommend a good bank? Because "I'm saving all my love for you."


Are you a password? Because I can't forget you, but I can change you anytime!


Do you sell cigarettes? Because you give me Hope and More!


You used to be his whole world. What happened: he went to another planet? 


A person who really loves you is like a good student during exams: even if he finds it hard, he doesn't look at the others.


A father was explaining to his young son the difference between "confident" and "confidential:" 

He is "confident" that the boy is his son, and it's "confidential" that the boy's best friend in school is also his son.


Two friends were in a swimming pool. 

"I'm sure you'll float," said one. 

"Is it because I'm light?" asked his friend. 

"No, it's because you're plastic!"


And my all-time from Miriam: Snow White ate an apple and she got a lovelife. You ate an entire fruit salad, but you still have nothing. Isn't that sad?

Photo courtesy of

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