Saturday Stories
August 11, 2018

But the god demands a sacrifice.
A King's blood has power. Stannis' offering is a boy named Edric Storm – the illegimate son of the late King Robert Baratheon.
Melisandre used the boy to cast a spell to bring death to their enemies.
Stannis gave three names.
The first was King Joffrey Baratheon.
Joffrey is about to be wed to Margaery Tyrell, the young widow of Renly Baratheon – who been slain by Melisandre through sorcery.
And on their wedding day feast, the entire kingdom was shocked at what happened.
The second name is Balon Greyjoy, who had declared himself as the Lord of the Iron Islands.
Balon's son Theon had grown up with the Starks. Robb told Theon to get Balon's support, but instead, Theon betrayed Robb by invading Winterfell.
One night, Balon came face to face with his brother Euron, whom he had sent in exile long ago – who had returned to seek vengeance.
And the third name is Robb Stark.
Robb had refused Catelyn's idea of exchanging their captive Jaime Lannister for his sisters Sansa and Arya who were held hostage by the Lannisters.
But Catelyn made a secret deal of her own – she sent Jamie free to get her daughters back.
Robb began to lose his men after what Catelyn's has done behind his back. They all hate the Lannisters, and letting Jamie go has robbed them of their chance for revenge.
Then came a greater betrayal. One of Robb's most trusted allies, Lord Roose Bolton, has led them to an ambush.
Robb had also been forced to make an alliance with Lord Walder Frey of the Twins, the two towers on both sides of the Trident river with a bridge that connects them, because they need to cross to get to King's Landing.
And it was from Walder Frey that Robb and Catelyn faced the most heinous treachery of all, the one act that even the gods will never forgive.
There is only one person in all the Seven Kingdoms with the authority to reward Bolton and Frey – one who is more powerful than the King himself.
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