July 6-12 Edition
Arturo B. Rotor
Dahong Palay
The Superbeings
Danny Boyle's Trance
One of the writers who has a
special place in my heart is Arturo B. Rotor, who wrote my favorite essay
("Convict's Twilight") and my favorite short story ("Dahong
Palay") written by a Filipino in English. I asked Ateneo Prof. Danton Remoto
to tell me more about him, through a text to Remoto Control, his weeknight
culture and education radio show on 92.3 NewsFM (101.9 here in Cebu) on June 5,
Without notes or any preparation, he gave an admirably spontaneous
answer. Some of Rotor's books are The Wound and The Scar and Men Who Play God,
about doctors. Rotor was himself a medical doctor, with the gift of vividly
unforgettable writing. Arturo B. Rotor was a winner in the Commonwealth Literary
Contests, the young nation's most prestigious honor for writers before the war
"Rotor has produced but few
stories, but they are of such merit that he is generally regarded as one of our
best short story writers," goes the biographical sketch in Volume 3 of the
Philippine Prose and Poetry, published in 1960 by the Manila Bureau of
Printing. Arturo B. Rotor, born June 7, 1907 in Sampaloc, Manila, was a writer,
musician and doctor. He graduated from both the U.P. Conservatory of Music and
the College of Medicine. "His stories are turned out at such rare
intervals that the appearance of a new story of his becomes something of a
literary event."
Rotor tells his stories with the
"fifth-act" techniques, which was also used by the American author
Wilbur Daniel Steele. "He opens the narrative in the midst of the action
and then subtly suggests all antecedent material that is necessary for full
My favorite Filipino short story
in English is Arturo B. Rotor's "Dahong Palay." Sebio, a young man
whom everybody dismissed as a weakling, vindicates himself spectacularly in the
end. An act of superhuman courage will make him a legend in his village for
"The big axe sang its way through a large arc and then came
crashing down on the block of wood with a mighty crash." He wishes
fervently "he could summon such strength in those foolish games of
strength and skill," with the others.
"somehow his courage always ran out before a noisy bantering crowd."
The story opens
as Sebio is chopping firewood in their backyard, reveling in the magnificent
strength in his sinewy muscles. But nobody knows it. People call him
"Sebiong Pasmado," a weakling. It was the end of harvest, and the
young people are the house of his aunt Binay to help pound the grains. Sebio
excitedly goes there so he could see his crush, Merci.
Sebio arrives at
his aunt Binay's place, and "he saw that the evening's work had already
begun. All about the moonlit clearing that stood at a distance from the house
were grouped men and women whose gay laughter and voices carried far into the
distance. In the center was a square of concrete where the golden grains of
palay had been laid to dry. On one side were five big wooden mortars, around
each of which three persons, two men and a girl, stood pounding grain. Each
individual brought down his pestle in definite rhythm and succession. One first
and then, just as he had lifted his pestle, the next would bring his down, and
so on. Every now and then the gifted voice of someone in the group would break
the song, and the notes of a haunting kundiman would be wafted into the breeze
to add sweetness to the silence of the countryside."
Pasmado!" somebody calls out, and "there was a hilarious outburst
from the group and, with blazing eyes, Sebio turned to the cruel joker. But he
saw only what seemed to him a surging sea of sneering faces. His face smarted
as if from a slap."
He went into the
farthest corner, ashamed. Merci came over and gave him some rice cakes.
"Oh, for a crown and a kingdom and a universe to lay at the feet of
Merci!" he thought. Inspired and smiling, "he was again his likeable
Soon it was his
turn to pound the rice, and he's overjoyed that he's paired with Merci. But the
third person is Pacio, the town bully.
Pacio plays to
the crowd, doing tricks with his pestle without losing rhythm, taunting Sebio
all the time. He embarrasses Sebio further by challenging him to straighten a
metal horseshoe.
Sebio couldn't
stand it any longer. He grabs it amidst derisive laughter. "He could feel
the heat mounting on his cheeks as he gripped the two ends and strained and
strained," writes Rotor. "His lips clamped together, his face went
pale, his eyes bulged. He held his breath during the effort. An eternity -it
seemed - passed. He thought he felt thd iron give away, and he opened his eyes.
He saw that it bent only a little." Sebio's humiliation is complete. They
say he has to "eat more," that he has "no strength" and
"no fighting heart."
One of my
favorite passages is when Sebio is passing the rice field, fresh from the
harvest. This is first-rate writing at his lyrical best: "A few weeks
before, the grain had lain mellow and golden in the all-enveloping light of the
full moon. Now only short, thick stubble, wisps of straw and traces of the
delicate, elusive fragrance of the ripe palay remained to remind one of the
hectares of slender, heavy-laden stalks of grain that had once rippled in
graceful undulation with each breath of the harvest wind."
You are an immortal spirit who is
One with God. That is your true Self. You are a co-creator of the universe. You
are God, and God is you. "This Presence within you, this God-Self of you,
wants you to be radiantly happy, because perfection is the true nature of it's
John Randolf
Price, through his 1981 book The Superbeings (Fawcett Crest, NY), takes down
the words of a highly evolved soul named Jason and many other Avatars and
reveals them to the world:
"It wants
you to be prosperous, because abundance is the nature of its manifestation. It
wants you to be happy, at perfect peace, loving and loved, wise, successful,
confident, enthusiastic, joyful, strong and free - because it is through these
patterns of itself that it expresses Its true nature of wholeness, completeness
and harmony. You have the power within you at this very moment to realize the
fulfillment of every desire. Through the love, wisdom and power of your
indwelling spirit, you have the ability to bring about any necessary change in
your body or affairs."
This power is
working for you because it is working through you. "You are a center of
consciousness through which the power of God flows," Jason continues.
"It sees total fulfillment for you, as you, and this Perfect pattern of
fulfillment is manifest now as true nature. You are the Self-expression of the
Infinite. God has fulfilled Himself as you." This slim book, which I
serendipitiously found in a garage sale in downtown Cebu last February, teaches
that the fundamental element is forgiveness. You are cleaning up your mind
"by giving up all grudges and negative feelings towards others. All
others. Everyone. Without exception!"
You are clearing up the channel through which
the Creative Force of God is bringing to you all your needs and desires.
"Your true
nature has within it the Wisdom of the ages" and "it is conscious of
substance as the spiritual essense, the creative energy, behind all visible
manifestations." You are receiving prosperity because "this
consciousness of abundance is already within you, and by contemplating the
creative substance that is continually flowing from this creative mind. Know
that substance is wealth, substance is prosperity, substance is abundance.
Recognize that the idea of overflowing supply, lavish abundance, is a part of
your true nature. Remember that you are God in expression."
This is how a
man named Daniel E., who grew up in poverty, became a successful businessman.
"You impress substance by choosing clearly what you want, affirming that your
desire is already fulfilled in spirit, visualizing the fulfillment, releasing
the substance to do its perfect work, and acting on any ideas that come to you.
With these steps followed faithfully and gratefully, substance must manifest
accordingly. The mental pictures of your heart's desires will be
"You help
the world when you help yourself," reminds Jason. "We are all one,
all waves in the same ocean, and one man's consciousness of abundance and
well-being with its outer manifestation releases more light into the race
consciousness for the benefit of all." That means you are choosing
"total freedom of lavish abundance" and you recognize divine
substance as the source," so your are "rich and free," as you are
created to be.
"When a man
comes to himself and comprehends the fact that he is son of God, and knows that
in himself lies all the powers of God, he is a master mind and all the elements
will hear his voice and gladly do his will," according to The Aquarian
Gospel of Jesus The Christ. When "Fear and "Unbelief" are
"caught and turned aside, the will of man will know no bounds; then man
has but to speak and it is done."
The key to
mastery is Faith. "You already possess the Gift of Faith, because it is
one of the attributes of God individualized within you, as you," says
Price. You are calling "this spiritual faculty into expression, into
purposeful action in your life." Believe that "Literally, you can do
all things through faith because faith is the connecting link between heaven
and earth, between cause and effect." And "The incredibly awesome
force of this power will penetrate into the depths of consciousness."
Faith "is
the foundation upon which the realization of truth must be built. Remember that
your Superconsciousness is whole and complete." So "When you call the
Power of Faith into expression, it attracts universal energy and substance to
become a powerful inner force. When it reaches spiritual maturity it begins
work to restore the subconscious mind to its original state of spiritual
consciousness, to be in harmony with your superconsciousness." Then
"you can speak the word" and "all your desires will be
automatically fulfilled, and your service to mankind shall not be
John Randolf
Price has successfully used the powers of the mind to achieve his dreams. Then,
imperceptibly at first, everything he had gained came crashing down. Bad luck
seemed to haunt him. What went wrong?
He asked a
highly evolved person, a true Superbeing, who told him: "A rubber check is
an unkept promise. Had you been conscious of other unkept promises- either
promises made to you and by you - either in your personal or business affairs?
Or perhaps unkept promises that you personally or businesswise at all, but
which aroused in you some sense of injustice or irritation? And might there be
in your subconscious a negative conviction that 'Divine Supply is somehow
distorted and diverted by human folly' - in effect saying that human folly
controls Divine Wisdom?"
The counsel was:
"You might find it useful and enlightening to get into a meditative state
and in imagination go as Daniel into the Lion's Den." Face those fearsome
creatures and "Command them to be still and to comfort you and reinforce
your soul's true mission." To become One with the Power, the Superbeing
told him, "I would rest in the abiding place in which it is an unshakable
certainty that now every thought and everything needed is being given."
John Randolf
" realized how important this man was in moving me back to the Path."
A listening attitude is a critical element. The core is "Claim your good.
Imagine your good. Speak the word for your good. Then care not if your good
ever comes to pass."
The sounds
weird. Of course you would care! "But the caring, which is another word
for worry and concern, was actually diverting the power flow," he says.
"I was told to choose what I wanted, see it as an actuality, call it forth
into visible form and experience - then not be concerned about the outcome,
regardless of how desperate the need."
He has seen the
Power at work, but I "had only scratched the surface," he says,
"relying on mental work, rather than hooking up with the Dynamo
Gibbon, in the
Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire, had seen this Power at work as early as
the first century. Rising into this new consciousness is "what the saints,
the mystics, the masters and the Superbeings have done," says Price.
"Glance at a bookshelf," he continues, "and chances are you'll
see -- in addition to the Bible -- books by such authors as Ernest Holmes,
Charles Fillmore, Joel Goldsmith, J. Sig Paulson, Emmet Fox, Tom Johnson,
Catherine Ponder, Robert A. Russell, Ralph Waldo Trine, Ernest Wilson, Marcus
Bach, Ervin Seale, James Dillet Freeman, Jack H. Holland, Joseph Murphy, Eric
Butterworth, Emilie Cady, and many other spiritual leaders who are doing their
part to lead us all back to the High Road of Truth."
development of the cosmic, or spiritual, phase of the mind," declared Dr.
Richard M. Burke, author of Cosmic Consciousness, in an 1894 address to the
British Medical Association, "would one day lift the whole of human life
to a higher plane."
Price, founder
of the Quartus Foundation think tank, cites the work of Phineas Park Quimby and
quotes the Bible, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Plotinus, St. Augustine and Henry David
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and
endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success
unexpected at common hours. He will put something behind, will pass an
invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to
establish themselves around and within him, or the old laws will be expanded
and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense; and he will live with the
license of a higher order of beings."
Simon (James McAvoy) is a
security specialist in a London auction house. Sometimes, he presides over a
bidding but his real job is to keep the items safe, sort of an auction house
Secret Service agent. Then, in the middle of the bidding for Rembrandt's
Witches Flying In The Air, a group of commando-style thieves broke in.
Springing to action, Simon ran off with the painting, put it in a bag and, with
the other security personnel, went to the basement to drop the bag into the
chute which connects to a vault. But the leader, Frank (Vincent Cassell) was
there, waiting for them - with a gun. In the scuffle, Simon was hit in the head
and fell unconscious.
Later, he
wanders down the street, dazed, blood still on his clothes. He was hit again,
this time by a car. The concussion had triggered a new set of fragmented
memories. He was beginning to remember flashes of betrayal. "Why did you
leave me?" Simon screamed to the young woman driving the car, a complete
stranger, his hands on her throat, unable to control the evil rising to the
Frank has
vanished with the painting. When he got to their hideout, he zipped the bag
open. Inside was an empty frame. The painting was gone. Then comes a new
revelation and a new twist. Frank kidnaps Simon. They had executed the inside
job flawlessly except for one detail.
the painting?" demands Frank.
"I can't
remember!" pleads Simon.
They torture
him, pulling off his fingernails. Finally, they realized that Simon was telling
the truth. The only one who knows where the painting is has amnesia. Frank got
nowhere with the doctors, amnesia not being responsive to any drugs.
Then he had an
inspiration: a hypnotic regression. Simon chose a hypnotherapist in the area at
random. He went, wearing a wire so Frank and the others in the van outside
would hear everything, with a cover story that he was trying to remember where
he put his car keys.
hynotherapist, Elizabeth (Rosario Dawson), plumbed the labyrinthine depths of
Simon's mind. There was fear, that most formidable of all obstruction. Simon
was afraid that they would kill him once they where it was, and so he was
subconsciously resisting. Elizabeth got him past that. Then came another
totally unexpected turn of events: he was falling in love with Elizabeth.
Frank accused
her of manipulating them. She countered that there's another, even more
bizaare, development. This time Simon was resisting, says Elizabeth, because
he's jealous of Frank.
Simon eventually remembered. But there were also new revelations. Elizabeth,
realized Frank, had known since the first session where the painting was.
Simon's new-found memories, meanwhile, had also summoned disturbing images from
his past. Elizabeth was forced to confess the truth as she, Simon and Frank
drove to the underground garage where the painting lay hidden in the car of the
murmured young woman.
Simon had been
in love with a woman, Elizabeth began. It was his therapist whom he was seeing
to help him get rid of his addiction to gambling. It had taken hold of him so
deeply that he got into trouble. It was then he realized he can solve all his
financial problems with a single painting. That's when he met Frank, and that's
when they planned the heist.
Trouble was
brewing on another level. Simon had gotten close to his therapist. "Too
close." They fell in love. It was beautiful.
Then, he began
to be possessive, dominating, irrational. One day, it all came crashing down.
In one of his bouts of jealous frenzy, he hit her. Simon apologized relentless,
wearing her down. She let him in, and he almost strangled her. She began
fearing for her life.
Strangely, Simon
was still continuing with the therapy. So she put him in a deep hynotic state
and embedded a mental command.
"You will
forget me," Elizabeth had told him. "You will forget about us
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Rembrandt's Witches Flying In The Air |
Jonathan Aquino's Journal
June 12, 2013
12:28 a.m., Wednesday
Lahug City, Cebu
I just had an epiphany. I think
that human misery is when we get too personally involved with what happens to
us. We live in a world with vast numbers of people living "in quiet
desperation," to quote Thoreu, because I think they focus on themselves
too much. I know this, because I've been through hell this past month, and I've
been too engrossed in my own suffering. It never occured to me, not until just
now, to detach myself and see it from outside my subjective view
From now on, I'll focus on
developing that sense of calm detachment like Bagger Vance. I just started
reading the novel by Steven Pressfield, and I'm awed by how deeply it has
already touch my soul
I have decided
to leave Cebu. I need time for solitude and emotional healing. Some of the most
transformative events in my life happened here, yet also some of the most
painful. I've been under too much trauma, and I viscerally feel that it has
changed me, and what I think of humanity, forever. I feel that sense of
endlessness, knowing that nothing will be the same again. The wounds in my soul
will heal, and the pain shall pass, as all the things pass. But the scars will
be my constant companions
I'll be donating
some of the books I bought here to the public library, including Herbert
Burkholz's The Sensitives, a page turner which I just got yesterday. I just had
to read it even it's out of my budget - because it's about telepaths. Of course
I'll be writing stories about them.
I love the
library: no stupid rules. I feel more at home there than anywhere else in Cebu,
except the sea. I think it's only right that I leave them the books I bought
from this city. But not everything.
Some of them
will stay with me forever
"Gabi gabi na lang sa pagtulog ko,
ikaw lang ang panaginip ko..."
"...kung ako'y gising na,
ikaw pa rin ang nasa isip..."
~ Chad Borja
"Ikaw Lang"
"Mula nang makilala ka aking mahal,
di ako mapalagay,
sa kakaisip ko sa yo..."
"...maging sa pagtulog napapangarap ka,
pagka't ang nais ko sana
kapiling ka sa tuwina..."
~ Dingdong Avanzado
"Bakit Labis Kitang Mahal"
"...ikaw sana ang aking yakap-yakap,
ang iyong kamay lagi ang aking hawak..."
"...ikaw ba ay nararapat sa akin,
at siya ba'y dapat ko nang limutin..."
~ Ogie Alcasid
"Bakit Ngayon Ka Lang"
Today I posted a title. It just used to be the issue date on the title field. Now there's more spice. So sweet
“Music has always been a matter of Energy to me, a question of Fuel. Sentimental people call it Inspiration, but what they really mean is Fuel. I have always needed Fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio.”
~Hunter S. Thompson
"I just had an epiphany..."
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