Saturday, April 09, 2016

The Powers of The Universe

Saturday Stories
April 9, 2016 Edition
I've seen from my own experiences that I can be a true leader even in a crisis, and I know deep inside that I have what it takes to elevate my work to a high level of excellence.

The universe is guiding my life to take a new direction. I only know I have to follow this road because my soul needs to be where it will lead me.

Yet the smile in my heart comes from a deeper place. A friend had just asked why I seem to have no problems. I told him that happiness is not a physical object like an apple or a baseball glove, so it is not a matter of having it or not having it.

Happiness, I said, is a choice. You choose to be happy. You claim it as your birthright because you are forever connected, like two rivers to the sea, to your infinite Source.

~ Huggybear Diaries, November 8, 2015, Sunday

Smile In Your Heart

Photo courtesy of


Jonathan Aquino said...


ビギンジャパノロジー 神社

Begin Japanology Shinto Shrine

= Full Movies

Step Up 2: The Streets

Step Up 3


Jonathan Aquino said...


Eddie the Eagle

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