Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Conjuring of Demons

Saturday Stories
April 28, 2018

Image result for how to summon demons

There are spells for casting out demons. Some of these date back to the Druids, and some are even more ancient that the Babylonians.

And there are also spells to summon them. One of the common elements is the blood of a virgin.

The most dangerous is the "hand of glory," said to be the severed hand of a man who died in the gallows – but occult practitioners know it is something else.

The first victim was carrying some gel capsules for her stomach pains, made from a chemical derived from belladonna, an herb attributed with mystical properties – and also known as the hand of glory.

The paranormal expert and the veteran detective (me and Gene Hackman in my mental movie version) hadn't known about the gel capsules when they came to confront the haunting.

What they did know is this: when you use the hand of glory to call up a spirit, you will face a demon that is immune to exorcism, one that "could eat a stack of Bibles for breakfast."

I've just read Night Shift by my beloved Stephen King, and last night, for the first time in a very, very long time, I had nightmares.

I kept seeing the church in Jerusalem's Lot. The town was completely empty. It's as if everybody just vanished.

The narrator and his companion (me and Michael Caine) entered the church. As soon as you step in, you just know that God had abandoned it a long, long time ago.

Then they saw the large portrait of the Madonna and Child, but Mary and the baby Jesus looked ... different, surrounded by slithering, frightening creatures.

And on the altar was a large golden cross – hanging upside down.

Photo courtesy of

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