Saturday, November 24, 2018

Talking To God

Saturday Stories
November 24, 2018

Image result for conversations with god neale donald walsch


I used to wonder what I'll say if I could ask God one question. My ideas ran from "Why am I here?" to "Why do bad things happen to good people?" One day, I was at the public library near Fuente OsmeƱa. I was getting a book from the shelf, then I realized I've taken the one next to it – "Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue," Book 2, by Neale Donald Walsh. "This book," he says, "has arrived in your life at the right and perfect time." I felt what I can only describe as "resonance." Soon, through a series of what I can only describe as "synchronicity," I got my own copies of Books 1, 2 and 3 – and I was able to hear the messages on a deeper level.


Some will say it's just a fantasy. Neale asked about it, and God told him: "You will know these words are from Me because you, of your own accord, have never spoken so clearly. Had you already spoken so clearly on these questions, you would not be asking them." How we feel about something would tell us if it is authentic. As for me, I just knew it was God Himself, but in a way that words cannot describe. The messages are clearly coming from the highest source because there is no judgment nor self-righteousness. God says: "The Highest Thought is always that thought which contains joy. The Clearest Words are those words which contain truth. The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call love."


Now I understand why God doesn't show Himself in physical form. We see only through the filters of our own individual characters and beliefs, so He would look differently to different people, like in the Indian fable of the five blind men and the elephant. One person will say God is like this, another will say God is like that, and since their views don't match, they will persecute each other in the name of God. Then another person will say it was the Devil in disguise, while another will say it's a false prophet because the End of The World is coming. God meant his revelation as an inner encounter. He says: "When inward experience has revealed Godself, outward observation is not necessary, and if outward observation is necessary, inward experience is not possible."


God has answered all my prayers. Yet there were times when I thought He didn't, but now I know He did – everytime, each and every one. The answer is always "Yes." When I told Him wanted something, I received the experience of wanting. A plea is a statement of lack, and what manifests is the experience of lack. God says: "The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude. When you thank God in advance for that which you choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect, acknowledge that it is there." I know I won't ask God a question anymore. I'll just say "Thank you!"

Photo courtesy of Amazon